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Amitha Kalaichandran for New Scientist: Honeybees welcome friendly migrants to hives but repel raiders

February 3, 2017

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Citizen Lab in Motherboard: Egyptian Human Rights Activists Are Being Targeted in ‘Dangerous’ Hacking Campaign

February 2, 2017

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Ron Pruessen for LSE: Trump’s first weeks as president evoke Boschian visions of destruction and spectacle

February 2, 2017

Donald Trump’s first weeks as president evoke Boschian visions of destruction and spectacle.

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In Memoriam: F. Ross Johnson – business leader, entrepreneur, U of T graduate (MBA 1956), and philanthropist

February 2, 2017

From his modest beginnings in depression-era Winnipeg, F. Ross Johnson rose to become the chief executive of RJR Nabisco and was internationally regarded as one of the most influential executives of the 20th century.

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Researchers uncover nile phish, extensive phishing campaign targeting Egyptian NGOs

February 2, 2017

FOR I MMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Canada (2 February 2017) — A new report from the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs uncovers Nile Phish, an ongoing and extensive phishing campaign against Egyptian civil society. In recent years, Egypt has witnessed what is widely described...

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A doctor blows his nose.

Blair Bigham for National Post: Should sneezing doctors stay home? The ‘big problem’ of doctors who work while infectious

February 1, 2017

Should sneezing doctors stay home? The ‘big problem’ of doctors who work while infectious

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Sukanya Pillay for Ottawa Citizen: Canada shouldn’t assume U.S. is a safe third country for refugees

February 1, 2017

Canada shouldn't assume U.S. is safe third country

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Jeffrey Reitz

Jeffrey Reitz on City News: Do changes in political landscape contribute to violence against minorities?

January 30, 2017

Video: Do changes in political landscape contribute to violence against minorities?

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Nicole Goodman for Ottawa Citizen: Internet voting will happen. Let’s make sure the research into how it happens is sound

January 30, 2017

Secure Internet voting requires sound research

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Canadian companies still struggling to overcome hiring bias against minorities

January 25, 2017

Joint Ryerson/University of Toronto study shows discrimination is worst in smaller companies. Full report to be released at January 25 panel discussion moderated by Senator Ratna Omidvar. A new report called ‘Do Larger Employers Treat Racial Minorities More Fairly?’ is being...

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