Latest News:

Xi Jinping and Justin Trudeau at the 2019 Group of 20

David Mulroney in Bloomberg: Trudeau Riles China 50 Years After His Father Forged Ties

October 14, 2020

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Tibetans living in exile attend an event to mark Tibetan Uprising Day

Citizen Lab Mention in Foreign Policy: Exiled Tibetans Suffer as WeChat Bans Leave Home Even Further Away

October 14, 2020

Exiled Tibetans Suffer as WeChat Bans Leave Home Even Further Away

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Citizen Lab in the Financial Post: Five Eyes countries press for back doors into applications, again

October 13, 2020

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Margaret MacMillan

Margaret MacMillan in the Financial Times: War by Margaret Macmillan — essays on how conflict shaped us

October 13, 2020

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Paul Cadario In Global Capital – Bretton Woods twins keep the multilateral flame alive

October 13, 2020

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Germany Unity event

WATCH: 30 Years of German Unity and Canadian Partnership: Past, Present and Future

October 9, 2020

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Lynette Ong in The Times: Hong Kong protesters given asylum in Canada

October 8, 2020

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Lynette Ong in CBC: U.S.-China tension will persist after this election — and Canada will feel it

October 8, 2020

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Lynette Ong in Public Policy Forum: Navigating Canada-China Relations in a Turbulent Area

October 8, 2020

Navigating Canada-China Relations in a Turbulent Era

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Sean Speer and Drew Fagan for Policy Options: Recovery Plans Must Be Built on a Foundation of Economic Growth

October 8, 2020

Recovery plans must be built on a foundation of economic growth

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