Features Archive - Page 8 of 55 - Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

An illustration of a video camera attached to wires

Move Fast & Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings

April 3, 2020

New Citizen Lab report examines the encryption that protects meetings in the popular Zoom teleconference app.

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Report: The COVID-19 Crisis and Policy Preferences of Canadian Technology Scale-ups

April 1, 2020

Read the latest report from the Munk School’s Innovation Policy Lab.

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Shannon Garden-Smith, Nina Boric, Dasha Kuznetsova and Katherine MacIvor.

Asian Institute team wins Northrop Frye Award

March 30, 2020

For their continued hard work at the Richard Charles Lee Insights Through Asia Challenge (IATC), the staff at the Asian Institute have received a Northrop Frye Award from the U of T Alumni Association.

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A man wears a face mask while walking in public

Michael Sabia: In this pandemic, governments will face three tests —including how best to restart the economy

March 22, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing tough and unprecedented tests on governments everywhere, Michael Sabia writes.

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The Light that Failed: A Reckoning wins 30th Annual Lionel Gelber Prize

March 10, 2020

The winner of the 2020 Lionel Gelber Prize is “The Light that Failed: A Reckoning”, by Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes.

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Munk School Devonshire location at dusk

Latest coronavirus updates for the U of T community

March 10, 2020

A message from the University of Toronto about COVID-19.

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Reach Alliance

Reach Project launches the Reach Alliance

March 6, 2020

Reach Project, a student-led initiative housed at the Munk School and focused on international development, is extending its reach to other global universities

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Michael Sabia delivers his remarks at the podium at his welcome event.

Welcoming Michael Sabia

March 4, 2020

Munk School Director Michael Sabia joined colleagues and friends at a welcome reception on February 26, 2020.

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Energy and climate change geopolitics in the digital age: a conversation with Amy Myers Jaffe

March 3, 2020

Amy Myers Jaffe, a leading expert on global energy policy, will speak at the Cadario Visiting Lecture in Public Policy & Governance on April 6, 2020.

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Coronavirus graphic

Censored Contagion: how information on Coronavirus is managed on Chinese social media

March 3, 2020

A new Citizen Lab report reveals that keywords related to the coronavirus have been censored on two popular Chinese social media applications since the early days of the outbreak.

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