The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) has awarded a $2.15 million Partnership Grant to the Canadian Network for the Study of Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS). Hosted by the University of British Columbia (UBC), TSAS has an executive committee of 11 scholars representing universities across the country including Professor Ron Levi, the University of Toronto co-applicant for the Partnership Grant. 

Managed by UBC Professor Daniel Hiebert, TSAS was established in 2012 and is intended to foster multidisciplinary research on terrorist radicalization, the coordinated interaction of academic researchers with government officials, and the cultivation of a new generations of young scholars interested in terrorism, security and the impact of both on society. 

In working with TSAS, Professor Levi, director of the Munk School’s Academic Programs and the Global Justice Lab and George Ignatieff Chair of Peace and Conflict Studies,  will lead a research project focusing on the demands of counter-terrorism on justice institutions from 2017-2019. In addition, Professor Levi is currently collaborating with Professor Janice Stein, founding director of the Munk School, on a TSAS-funded project focusing on criminological evidence for counter-terrorism policy making. 

TSAS is the only project of its kind in Canada. Its three long-term goals centre around creating a major body of evidence-based research on national security; building a network of academic researchers specializing in terrorism/security with hose who seek to understand the rapidly changing social context of Canada and facilitating the professionalization of security studies. Over 160 researchers have joined the network since its inception and TSAS is continuing to develop relationships with a number of core partners including the RCMP, Correctional Services Canada and Global Affairs Canada. As a member of the executive team, Professor Levi helps to oversee TSAS daily operations. 

For more information on TSAS and their SSHRC grant, visit