The Master of Public Policy team received the Bronze Medal in the National Public Administration Case Competition put on by the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration (CAPPA)and the Institute of Public Administration of Canadain Ottawa on February 23,2019. The team was comprised of first and second-year students – Ryan Macdonald, Joshua Johnson, Alexandra de Rosa and Marcia Filgiano – and was coached by Janet Mason, a Lecturer and Senior Fellow in Public Policy at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.

Twelve of the leading public policy and public administration programs from across the country participated in the case competition held at Carleton University. Teams were asked to provide a recommendation and implementation plan on a hypothetical Yemeni refugee crisis to the prime minister, relevant ministers and PMO staff in today’s political climate. The case required students to examine Canada’s refugee system in a comprehensive way and take into account both domestic and international considerations as well as short-term and long-term political implications.

“Our team impressed the judges with the depth and breadth of their presentation, the amount of work and the sophistication of analysis,” says Janet Mason. “It was very complex but they rose to the challenge beautifully. They worked together so well that there just weren’t any missteps. They were truly terrific representatives for Munk and the University of Toronto.”

Mason has been coaching U of T teams for five years and is constantly amazed by how much each group of students grows over the course of the training and week-long competition.

“They always tell me what a great learning experience it is to apply all the knowledge they have been acquiring to a real world case in a competitive environment, she says. “It really pushes them to excel.”

In 2016, the University of Toronto won second prize in the competition.

February 28, 2019