After just a week of campaigning in Canada’s federal election, party leaders are giving their full effort on the hustings.

And between now and October 21, experts from the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy are also contributing to the public discourse by sharing evidence-based, critical analysis of the wedge issues facing voters.

Days before the campaign even began, Toronto Star took a long look at foreign policy with the help of Janice Stein. Stand by for continued analysis from Lynette Ong on the particular impact of Canada’s relationship with China.

Peter Loewen offered comment early in the official election period, as Gov.-Gen. Julie Payette approved the dissolution of Parliament. We expect to hear a lot more of his perspective on voter preference, public opinion, misinformation and party strategy.

Drew Fagan recently shared his take in an international piece in the New York Times that suggested trouble ahead for the Liberals.

And in an op-ed in Saturday’s Globe and Mail, Sean Speer argued for an approach inclusive of all Canadians.

Meantime, Bob Rae’s new weekly podcast, Political Stripes digs into core aspects of a run for office with key individuals who have additional insight into how it works.

We look forward to hearing more from these Munk voices and others as Election Day approaches. Please send a note to if you’d like to hear from these experts or anyone else at the Munk School in the run-up to the polls.

September 17, 2019