The Munk School of Global Affairs has been admitted as a full member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA).

APSIA Executive Director Carmen Iezzi Mezzera, who made the announcement August 25, said she is “delighted to welcome the Munk School to the APSIA membership. Against the backdrop of one of the world’s most diverse cities, the school seeks to curate a dialogue about the challenges, organizations, and ideas that are reshaping the international landscape.”

“This is an important milestone for our school and will potentially enhance our reputation and raise our profile,” said Munk School Director Stephen J. Toope. “We join more than 60 other schools and affiliated programs around the world dedicated to the improvement of professional education in international affairs and the advancement of international understanding, prosperity, peace, and security.”

Membership will provide the Munk School with greater opportunities to recruit outstanding students at APSIA-sponsored events and will foster stronger collaborations with others in the developing global affairs field.

Full members of APSIA have undergone a rigorous review process and meet the following qualifications required for full APSIA membership:

  • an educational program of high academic quality;
  • a substantial and demonstrated commitment to the study of international affairs;
  • a commitment to graduate professional training; and
  • significant autonomy within a major university, e.g., as one would expect to find with a Law School or graduate Business School.

Launched in 2010, the Munk School offers undergraduate degrees and five graduate-level programs:

  • Master of Global Affairs;
  • Master of Arts in European, Russian and Eurasian Studies;,
  • Collaborative Master’s in Asia-Pacific Studies;
  • Collaborative Master’s and Doctorate in South Asian Studies; and
  • Collaborative Graduate Program in Ethnic and Pluralism Studies.

The school serves as a hub for scholars and practitioners at the forefront of research, debate, and action in global affairs. Home to more than 200 affiliated faculty and 25 Senior Fellows, the Munk School hosts hundreds of public events annually and welcomes hundreds of quality students from Canada and across the world each year.

To qualify for consideration for full APSIA membership, a school must have had two years passed since their first cohort of graduate students have completed studies. The Munk School’s first group in the Master of Global Affairs graduated in 2012.

Read the Munk membership announcement from APSIA
Learn more about APSIA