Navigating Uncharted/Turbulent Waters: Greece’s Geopolitics after(?) the Crisis

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Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 20195:30PM - 8:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, 1 Devonshire Place
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Europe’s Southern and Eastern neighbourhoods have changed considerably during the past few years, and the key words describing the regional security environment are fluidity, instability and unpredictability. Furthermore, there is a general failure of governance as the Eastern Mediterranean and its adjoining regions remain an extremely turbulent and unstable neighbourhood and the security environment continues to be ‘Hobbesian’.

Greek security policy makers will function for the foreseeable future under the Damocles sword of the country’s economic limitations, which is imposing a number of serious constraints and limitations. As key organizations such as the EU and NATO are evolving in an effort to adapt to new global, regional and domestic trends, Greece needs to find its own niche in the distribution of regional roles and influence and convince its partners and allies of its own added value in managing common security challenges. A difficult task, indeed, for a country with limited resources, but the alternative is strategic marginalization and inability to protect its vital national interests.

Thanos Dokos is the Director-General of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), a think tank based in Athens, which conducts policy-oriented research on European and regional developments. He has been working on issues of European and regional security in the Mediterranean/Middle East, as well as parts of the former Soviet space, for more than 20 years. For research purposes he is using a broad definition of security, including both hard and soft security dimensions. His current work focuses on global and regional trends and the policy challenges for international organizations and regional stakeholders in the Mediterranean. He has a B.A in International Studies: Webster University (in Geneva), and MSc in International Relations, University of Southampton, and M.Phil in International Relations, University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D in International & Strategic Studies, University of Cambridge.


Dr. Thanos Dokos
Director-General of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)

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