CDO 5TH Annual Partnership Conference - Policy Day

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Wednesday, April 25th, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 20189:00AM - 4:30PMExternal Event, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue-Asia Pacific Hall
580 W Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
Wednesday, April 25, 20184:30PM - 6:00PMExternal Event, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue-Asia Pacific Hall
580 W Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

08:30 – 09:00 Coffee and Registration – Atrium

09:00 – 09:20 Introduction and Welcome
Call to order – Adam Holbrook, Simon Fraser University
Invocation – Elder Margaret George, Skawahlook First Nation
Welcome – Dr. Aoife Mac Namara, Dean, FCAT, SFU

09:20 – 11:00 Policy Session One – Policy Implications of CDO Research
“Prepare to be Disrupted: Key Insights from the CDO Research Project and Policy Implications”

Facilitator: David Wolfe, University of Toronto

Pierre Therrien – Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada
Damian Dupuy – Ministry of Economic Development and Growth – Ontario
Michael Turner, Vice-President, Systems Strategies – Wesley Clover
Adam Froman, President – Delvinia and Council of Canadian Innovators

11:00 – 11:15 Refreshment Break – Atrium

11:15 – 12:30 Policy Session Two – Current State of R, D, & I in Canada: Recent Reports from the CCA and Federal Supercluster Initiative

Facilitator: Peter Warrian, University of Toronto

Tijs Creutzberg – Council of Canadian Academies
Catherine Beaudry – École Polytechnique
Janet Halliwell – JEH Associates
Ray Gosine, Ocean’s Cluster in Atlantic Canada – Memorial University

12:30 – 13:30 Group Lunch and Networking
Hosted by: Dr. Aoife Mac Namara
Dean of Communication, Art and Technology, SFU

13:30 – 14:45 Policy Session 3 – Creating Digital Opportunity on the Pacific Rim: Trade Patterns and Resource Flows

Facilitator: Brian Wixted – University of Saskatchewan

Kevin Butterworth, Executive Director, Technology & Innovation – B.C. Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology
Atsushi Sunami, Vice President, Professor – National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Special Advisor, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Martin Sutherland, Director, Policy – Western Economic Diversification (B.C.)
Presentation – B.C. Digital Technology Supercluster

14:45 – 15:00 Refreshment Break – Atrium

15:00 – 16:15 Policy Session 4 – Vancouver: Digital Industries, Transitions and Smart Cities

Facilitator: Adam Holbrook, SFU

Marina van Geenhuisen, Professor- Delft University of Technology
Bryan Buggey – Vancouver Economic Commission
Richard Smith, Director – Centre for Digital Media
Jessie Adcock, Chief Technology Officer – City of Vancouver

17:00– 19:00 POLICY DAY RECEPTION to follow


Deborah Huntley

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