Congratulations! Several members of the Munk School community have received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada 2019-20 Insight Grant:

Steven Bernstein, Coherence and Incoherence in Global Sustainable Development Governance
Elspeth Brown, The LGBTQ+ Oral History Digital Collaboratory: 2.0
Holly Campeau, Ron Levi, The dual perspective: unpacking police-citizen arrest encounters
Randall Hansen, Work, Work, and Want: Global Drivers of Human Trafficking
Matthew Hoffmann, The 100 Resilient Cities Initiative: A Natural Experiment in the Politics of Creating a Sustainable World
Peter Loewen, What Do Politicians Know?
Darius Ornston, Reassessing the Benefits of Embedding Foreign Multinationals
Wendy Wong, Functional Governance: Non-state Actor Welfare Provision and the Legitimacy of the State
Xiaodong Zhu, Migration, Growth, and Inequality: Micro Data and Macro Evaluations

Insight Grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities, enabling scholars to address complex issues about individuals and societies and to further our collective understanding. View a complete list of grant recipients.