Press release Archives - Page 4 of 4 - Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Over 400,000 Tech Jobs Affirm Toronto As a Key Global Innovation Centre

October 17, 2016

New report identifies that 15% of all jobs in the city were tech related in 2016, and growing fast. TORONTO – October 17, 2016 – While technology companies are often hailed as the future of the economy, that future may...

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National Website Filtering’ in Bahrain Reliant on Canadian Company, Netsweeper

September 21, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Canada (21 September 2016) — Researchers at the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs are publishing a report today that provides detailed evidence regarding the use of the services of Canadian company Netsweeper,...

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Ahmed Mansoor

Researchers uncover UAE cyber espionage campaign using rare Apple “Zero Days”

August 25, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Canada (25 August 2016) — On August 10th, Citizen Lab researchers Bill Marczak and John Scott-Railton, with the collaboration of Lookout Security, discovered an attack using Zero Day exploits against Apple’s iOS operating system. The attack...

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The Centre for e-Democracy releases the Internet Voting Project Report

August 23, 2016

(TORONTO, ON) August 23, 2016 – Today Nicole Goodman, PhD, Director of the Centre for e-Democracy (CeD) and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, was invited to present to the Special Committee on Electoral...

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Researchers Uncover New Cyber-Espionage Operation Targeting the Syrian Opposition

August 2, 2016

Toronto, ON – August 2, 2016 – A new report from the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto reveals a new cyber-espionage operation targeting the Syrian opposition. The operation used clever deceptions...

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G20 Members Holding Steady since Antalya Summit

July 22, 2016

Toronto, ON – July 22, 2016 – Part way through the year between the 2015 Antalya Summit last November and the 2016 Hangzhou Summit in September, G20 members are making steady progress in fulfilling their pledges, according to the G20...

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New IMFG paper makes case for new taxes for Canada’s largest cities

June 27, 2016

Toronto, June 27, 2016 – The new IMFG paper, More Tax Sources for Canada’s Largest Cities: Why, What, and How?, released today by the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs,...

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Online privacy tool Access My Info now empowers Canadians to learn how dating and fitness apps use their data

June 21, 2016

Toronto, ON – June 21, 2016 – Do you ever wonder if your cell phone provider is logging your location? Or if your online dating app is sharing your sexual preferences with marketers? Does your fitness tracker know more about...

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Bill Marczak

Researchers Uncover Extensive Twitter-based Cyber Espionage Campaign Targeting UAE Dissidents, Journalists

May 30, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Canada (30 May 2016) — A new report from the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab reveals a sophisticated international cyber-espionage campaign targeting journalists and activists whose work concerns the United Arab Emirates. The campaign used elaborate...

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