Recognized as one of the best of its kind in North America, the Master of Arts program at the University of Toronto’s Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES) offers students the opportunity to engage in a comprehensive, rigorous and hands-on study program.  In addition to the top faculty in their fields, CERES provides generous funding to MA candidates through fellowships or financial support for internships, language training, and study abroad opportunities. In this two-year program, our students typically spend a summer or semester engaged in research or training internationally, with advisory and logistical support from CERES. This field component alone sets us apart from other MA programs. The diverse array of courses available to students of the MA program is supplemented by short intensive workshops—CERES hosts two or more per year on specialized topics of regional interest. CERES also provides students with unique learning opportunities outside the classroom, often involving short field trips to the region.

This is in addition to the Centre’s busy agenda of seminars and conferences. Every week, top specialists from around the world take part in an engaging series of debates at the Munk School. Students are encouraged as well to develop their own projects and initiatives, and every year CERES students host their own graduate student conference and publish graduate student work in the journal Eurasiatique.

Learn more about the Master of Arts in European and Russian Affairs.

Apply for the Master of Arts in European and Russian Affairs.