Students attending St. George campus join UTM and UTSC in having Friday and weekend exam slots. St George will be observing their exams from December 11th till the 22nd. While UTM and UTSC have had weekend exam slots for several years, this is the first time such a change has been introduced to St. George.


As reported in the Varsity newspaper, the result of this change is due to a late Labour Day, and having weekend exam slots were the only option to be able to fit in exams and keep a study period.


My issue with the change in exam schedule is that bleeds into students’ personal lives. Not only does this change not account for religious observances students may have, but also it does not allow for the mental relief students need to be able to cope with the stress of exams.


I understand that the exam periods are only twice a year when our school commitments may be more strenuous and demanding. However, if it is at the expense of student well being, it can be more damaging in the long term. For the fall term, classes officially ended on December 8th, while some classes had the option have having a “Makeup Monday Class” on December 9th. According to the Arts and Science University page, December 10th is the official “study break” students’ have been given. U of T prides itself on having studious, ambitious and achieving students. The institute should understand that students wear multiple hats, we are in clubs, we work, we are athletes, and we also need sufficient rest. Not only are students not given a reading week, a sufficient exam study break but are also expected to observe exams on weekends as well. These combined factors leads to the potential of burning out.


In 2012, Ryerson University’s centre for student development and counseling in Toronto saw a 200% increase in demand from students in crisis situation. This is attributed to the documented increase of school induced stress, anxiety and depression over the past few years. A 2014 article by The Province saw that 54% of students felt hopeless within a 12-month period. Their research found that the amount of stress students are facing is impacting their ability to perform academically. Last year, during exam time, I was not only studying, but also working part time. The amount of stress and anxiety I felt, led to me doing extremely poorly on one of my exams. I felt like I did not have any breaks. After that experience I have refrained from taking a part time job outside of university. I understand that not all students have the ability to make such a decision, having exams on weekends takes away students ability to take care of their bodies and allowing that proper time to regroup mentality.



One thing that I have found that has helped me is increasing my physical activity. During exam time I increase the amount of times I workout. It allows me to de-stress and clear my mind for my next task. On days where I feel I don’t have time to even trek to a gym, I google at-home workout’s and do it in my study break. I also suggest making time for simple pleasures, whether it is treating yourself with your favourite chocolate, or taking a nice relaxing long bath. Lastly, I would highly suggest study groups. Not only can they provide you with academic support, but also working near other people creates a more joyous studying environment. When you feel good, it is easier to work and feel motivated.