PCJ, it’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for – it’s the end of the school year and the beginning of yet another summer. Yes, our days may be a little less structured without classes and assignments to keep us in line, or maybe we’re transitioning into full-time summer jobs, but nevertheless, we’ve worked hard all year to get where we are today.

This calls for a moment to reflect on everything that’s happened in the past eight months here at UofT. Maybe you’ve just finished your first year in university, or you’ve managed to complete another year – or for the lucky bunch, you’re graduating and moving on to greater things. Looking back, are there things that you can be proud of? Are there things that you wish you could have done better? Most importantly, did you do something that you’ll look back on fondly in a few years down the road?

I’m wrapping up my third year and I think that I’ve hit the mark on all three questions I’ve listed above. I’m proud of how I was able to balance multiple internships as well as school, I wish I would have maybe worked a little harder in a class or two, and I’ve built friendships that I know will last for years to come. I don’t think it’s reasonable to look back and fully say that I “regret” doing things, but I’ve found that it’s most important to take what mistakes and successes I’ve had and to move forward with them – to improve myself each and every day.

Going forward into summer, there comes another decisions rooted in what we want to spend the next four months doing. I certainly hope that none of us will be in an office or a classroom the entire summer – and instead, making the best of the few actual warm months that Toronto has to offer. I hope that we all get to spend as much time as possible with family and friends.

Summer is short and fleeting, and while I hope that it is productive and memorable for all of us, it is most important that we take this time to relax, reflect on the past year, and plan for the next.

All the best, PCJ, and have a safe and happy summer.