Firstly, the title of this blog rhymed please read it again if you did not catch that... I hope someone out there appreciated that stroke of brilliance.

School is tough, life is tough and it seems as though the four walls of my room are slowly inching close enough to consume me before I can get away. I love school and I am so privileged to have these opportunities as we all are. But sometimes one falls into a rut, a monotonous rhythm of essay after essay after essay (especially in the winter months). These days if I am not physically tired, then I am mentally exhausted. This has left me uninspired to write essays, uninspired to attend lectures and even uninspired to talk about all the things I love to learn about (for me that is quite a feat as I am a talker to say the least).

I was going to make this blog all about how inspiring life is and how we may stumble now but then but we’ll be okay. But no amounts of motivational quotes are going to make you feel inspired (well at least they haven’t helped me). Instead I am just going to give you guys some videos that have made me feel...some type of way.

Hopefully they will help you get back into the groove of things in your search for inspiration but if not they are still hilarious/awesome.

So what do you when you love what you’re learning but you could do with a little less of all the evaluation stuff watch these! Please put your headphones in before you watch these videos in a public place (aka Robarts).


  1. If you don’t like U2 I’m sad for you but you’re still my friend. This is 8 minutes of probably one of the best things to ever happen on stage (I mean I’m not really into overalls without a shirt but if anyone gets a pass it’s...BONO)



  1. Did you see that ending coming? Because I almost cried as I watched this... at Robarts.



  1. If you are a fan of Supernatural (it has sort of a cult following) then you will love this. If you aren’t ... who doesn’t love a good leg guitar?



  1. Now is obviously the time for a metaphor on how one person can change the world but I know you’re too busy dancing so I won’t.



  1. We are all working on this question and that is okay!



  1. Don’t give up... think about the man with the Asiatic Clams people.



  1. I know you have seen this before but if this doesn’t inspire you then I don’t know what will



This list is a mere slice of videos I think everyone needs in their lives but for now I hope you have enjoined the variety. Take away point from today’s blog: sometimes it’s okay to get into your blankets/sleeping bag and just roll into a burrito student stress. Because school is tough and you are doing the best you can and burritos are tasty.


Please don’t be ashamed. Here is my burrito of overwhelmed-ness if it makes you feel any better.


Kashaf as a burrito