Dispatches is back once again for our third year! Meet our blogger for the 2016-2017 year:

Photo of 2016-2017 Dispatches blogger, Courtney WongCourtney Wong

Courtney is in her third year at U of T, specializing in Peace, Conflict, and Justice Studies and majoring in Political Science. She is currently an executive with Dignitas International Youth, a compliance analyst for the G7 Research Group at the Munk School, and a staff member for various Model United Nations groups on campus. She is also actively involved with multiple intramural teams, including flag football, soccer, and rugby.

She is so proud to be a part of the PCJ community on and off campus, and believes that the interdisciplinary nature of the program will be a great start to a future in international security and human rights. Courtney very much looks forward to working with her many ambitious and talented peers in helping end conflicts in the global arena in the near future.

Though largely involved in student groups and in academic life on campus, she can also often be found napping in the Junior Common Room at UC, out at the Maddy with friends, or checking out events and restaurants around the city.