There have been a lot of interesting events happening around the world and in our little PCJ world. But I must say, I am once again feeling very overwhelmed by the drudgery of everyday life. This semester is packed and there is much to be done... but it’s Monday. So I’m thinking to myself... why don’t we start this Monday off with some inspiration/motivation?

In times like these, I think to myself... how do I de-stress so I can get back to focusing on school and the other important to do’s on my list.

So here’s a list of some gold old motivational/hilarious music, to get you pumped about getting things done! Ofcourse... my commentary is an essential part of the list, as per usual. Most of these are live sessions; because life is better live (I am incredibly deep).


  1. Uh... the Rocky theme song... DUH I mean... I would never do anything so athletic but it’s at good pumping me up for class work.



  1. Cause there’s no time for losers... and always time for QUEEN



  1. If you don’t secretly think Bon Jovi is attractive, then you’re lying to yourself. Listen to this song and you’ll be half way there ... ( ha ha see what I did there?)

That hair...


  1. Personal bias for The Killers whom I adore... they always inspire me! Here is a classic.



  1. Just a small town girl living in a PCJ world.



  1. Many people chose to hate Chumbawamba, but I say why hate when you can boogie? (You thought I would have a clever rhyme there with hate but jokes on you HA! I couldn’t think of a word that worked)



  1. You know this one, and you love it. You love the song almost as much as you love the outfits.

Never trade your passion for glory! I SAID NEVER!


  1. You need to memorize this entire song, and then choreograph an interpretive dance to go with it ... because there are serious must dos in life.

I never sing this song; I exhale it at high volumes.


  1. Not exactly motivational, but you’re dancing right? There, I just provided you with your week’s worth of exercise.

And don’t it feel good? (You have to watch the video to understand how funny I was here)


  1. U2 is my happy place and I am a biased blogger.


I understand that the songs about a man who loses it all but still finds joy... though why does Bono waste/throw that money in the beginning of video ... some of us have to pay tuition BONO or should I say $ONO


  1. Don’t I REPEAT don’t listen to the LYRICS. They may cause severe introspection. Just rock out.


Here’s a bonus feature of this blog entry, because I believe in being risqué. Also if this scene doesn’t give you any sort of joy... I do believe there is no helping you.



If you aren’t motivated, then at least you have great taste in music now.

Remember, we’re all just livin on a prayer and we won’t stop believing cause when we get knocked down we get up again. Plus we have no time for losers, we’ll never trade our passion for glory.