Meet Kiara Sankhe! Kiara is a University College student double majoring in PCJ & Political Science, and pursuing a minor in Writing & Rhetoric. Swipe to learn more about her hobbies and what she’s looking forward to this school year! 

Q: What did you do for fun during lockdown?

A: Dance, Read, Binge on shows, Write, Get into editing, learn to play the ukulele.

Q: Where do you call home?

A: Mumbai, India.

Q: Tell us a random fact about yourself!

A: I can crack my toe knuckles without any external force lmao.

Q: What excites you about PCJ or what is something you’re looking forward to about the program?

A: It’s approach to world issues and how PCJ provides students the belief that issues can be resolved if we look into origins and understand where people are coming from. Also, how small and close-knit the entire PCJ community is.

Q: What are you looking forward to the most on campus?

A: Interacting with people, spending time on the campus and discovering cool places like cafes.