Mohamed Dasu is a Woodsworth College student double majoring in PCJ and Sociology, and pursuing a minor in Digital Humanities. Read more to learn about what he likes to do in his spare time and his favourite things about the program! 

Q: What did you do for fun during lockdown?

A: Biking and hiking with friends, working out, and cooking!

Q: Where do you call home?

A: Toronto, Canada.

Q: Tell us a random fact about yourself!

A: I’ve had a beard since Grade 8.

Q: What excites you about PCJ or what is something you’re looking forward to about the program?

A: Really excited about the community-building programs. I’m impatiently waiting to get to know my cohort.

Q: What are you looking forward to the most on campus?

A: Exploring all the buildings and finding the best spots to study and eat with the squad.