Teresa Kramarz is an Associate Professor in Global Affairs at the Munk School, and teaches PCJ360H: Environmental Justice in the Global South. 

Q: What is your PCJ360H course about?

A: My course examines the theory and practice of environmental justice with a focus on the experience of people and landscapes in the Global South. It investigates different normative dimensions of environmental justice including distribution, recognition, participation, and capabilities.

Q: What are your research interests?
A: My current research programs deal with accountability in environmental politics, the governance of extractive industries particularly those that are connected to critical minerals required in a transition to renewable energy, and community vulnerabilities to extractive industry disasters.

Q: Do you have any tips or words of advice for PCJ students?
A: Question your assumptions.

Q: What is something all your students should know about you? 
A: I enjoy doing fieldwork with my students!