Congratulations to the U of T class of 2021! To celebrate, we’ve highlighted some of our graduating PCJ students. Read on  about their academic journeys and plans for the future below!


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Kat Yampolsky Yampolsky.Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: My favourite memory from PCJ was the collective gasp in PCJ260 when we realized we’d have to study and learn graphs.... and then the collective relief and pride a few weeks later when we could read these arms race graphs, and understand them!

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Always challenging myself and treating difficult moments and difficult topics as lessons to learn from!

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’ll be moving to DC at the end of the summer to start my masters at Georgetown University!

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Stay curious, challenge yourself, and cherish your time with your little PCJ family!


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Sanjna Ullal.

Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: Honestly, any time when folks from our class would sit around and chat, sharing our thoughts, qualms, or funny stories from the weekend!

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Helping to organize the 2020 PCJ Student Conference on Indigenous Rights in Canada!

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’m going to continue my internship at a legal non-profit for the rest of the summer, and likely start law school in the Fall!

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: I think sometimes with a group as bright, dedicated and accomplished as PCJ students, you can feel a sense of imposter syndrome. The best fix is actually getting to know them better. So reach out, plan calls with people in your class, grab a coffee, or study together! Instead of feeling nervous, you might find that your life is enriched by having them in it. You’ll challenge each other, learn from one another, and grow together!


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Brandon Yih.Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: Too many to list but definitely hanging out (or being stressed with my cohort) in the PCJ Lounge pre-COVID days and the many middle of the night Zoom sessions with Jennifer and Kyle to finish our PCJ460 presentation!

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Taking on three exchange programs back-to-back in Singapore and the UK.

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’ll be taking a gap year, gaining more professional experiences and perhaps a bit of travelling before I pursue my masters in international security and/or international development ideally in the UK or continental Europe!

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Take advantage of all the opportunities (especially studying abroad!) and take as many risks as you can! The best risk I took was definitely choosing to apply for exchange!


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Jennifer Tang.Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: Being a part of the brightest and most perceptive students that I’m grateful to call my cohort over the past three years!

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Being able to watch myself progress and evolve as a student, academic, and classmate. From learning about conflict theory in PCJ260 to our countless hours on Zoom working on our PCJ460 presentations, this entire journey has been an exceptional accomplishment! I’m incredibly grateful for all the feats and strides that I’ve made during my time in PCJ.

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’ll be attending the Johns Hopkins University School of International Studies (SAIS) MAIR program completing my Masters! Until then, I’m currently enjoying my time as a research analyst for various non-governmental organizations!

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Bask in the moment, take risks, and celebrate and care for yourselves as much as you can. My undergrad career was definitely a challenging and uncertain time, but finding my place at PCJ opened the doors to an incredible and supportive community that I owe much of my self-growth and evolution to during my time at UofT. I can speak at length to how much PCJ has shaped my undergraduate experience in such incredible ways! I’m rooting for you! 🙂


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Maia Harris.Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: PCJ360 with Dr. Dylan Clark and bravely facing the existential dread of the anthropocene as a cohort.

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Learning how to read a data table without exploding in PCJ460.

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: Work in the NGO space for a year before doing my masters in 2022-2023 and starting my long, tortuous journey into the throes of academia.

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Embrace the space and the resources, but more than that, appreciate the people



Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Diego Vásquez.

Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: My favourite memory from PCJ was learning from my peers in class (pre-COVID-19). It was a significant experience to work among so many inspiring individuals.

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: My greatest achievement during my time in PCJ was taking part in the CSPC fellowship and having my research published and win the David M. Abshire Award for the Most Outstanding Paper.

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: Moving to New York and beginning graduate school at Columbia University.

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Be open to new experiences and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Looking back to when I started PCJ, I would have never expected the direction I ultimately took and the experiences I gained.


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Shijia Liu.Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: All the pets cameos during PCJ460 zoom edition!

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Implementing a role focused on student wellness within the PCJ Society.

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’ve co-founded a startup with a fellow PCJ graduate, focused on providing culturally sensitive mental health services to BIPOC and international students. I will also be developing my career in global health and international development.

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: I have found the most value and made my fondest memories in PCJ outside of the academic curriculum. My advice is to truly embrace all the friendships and opportunities that you will experience. Looking back, that is what I’m most grateful for.


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Elizabeth Shaw.

Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: Pre-pandemic socials in the PCJ lounge! I loved meeting students from different programs and cohorts.

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Not an achievement per se, but I am so grateful for the friends I made in PCJ. They’re some of the most intelligent and fun people I’ve ever met, and I know we’ll be friends for a long time.

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’m doing a Master’s in migration policy! Hoping to pursue a career in that field later on.

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Get to know your fellow classmates in a casual setting! PCJ students hail from such diverse academic backgrounds — from them you will learn so much.


Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Benji McLean.

Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: Running a focus group with the Carpenters’ Union in PCJ362!

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: Completing my independent project in PCJ461!

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’m doing a Master’s in migration policy! Hoping to pursue a career in that field later on.

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Get to know your fellow classmates in a casual setting! PCJ students hail from such diverse academic backgrounds — from them you will learn so much.



Graphic design with a picture of graduating student Soliyana Yared.


Q: What is your favourite memory from PCJ?
A: Our groupchat conversations ! Especially when we’re all equally confused about something😂

Q: What was your greatest achievement during your time in PCJ?
A: My work with Matthew House as a part of PCJ362.

Q: What are your plans following graduation?
A: I’ll be attending Osgoode law school!

Q: Do you have any words of advice to share with (new) PCJ students?
A: Trust yourself and lean on the people around you. There’s a community of people that want to see you succeed!