Anya Haldemann is a Trinity College student double majoring in Peace, Conflict and Justice and Ethics, Society & Law. She is passionate about equity and social justice, and is looking forward to studying feminist peace next semester.

Anya has been interested in the PCJ program since high school. In her first year, she was part of Munk One, and this confirmed that she wanted to study PCJ. In choosing her other course of study, she knew that she enjoyed the classical histories and philosophies found in the humanities, which ES&L covers. She knew coupling PCJ with ES&L would be challenging, but she wanted a course of study that included all of her interests. Moreover, she loves that both PCJ and ES&L are multi-dimensional courses of study with small class sizes.

Anya has been enjoying her first semester as a PCJ student: the passionate discussions with her peers is the highlight of her week. She is also finding that Professor Bertoldi’s musical introductions are an entertaining and accessible way to get the class into the week’s topics. Anya is particularly looking forward to studying Feminist Peace Theory next semester.

Anya is interested in equity issues and social justice movements, as well as how movements can best achieve their goals. Fittingly, her PCJ group work topic is the case study of the British suffragettes and questioning whether civil disobedience helped or hindered their movement.

Last year, Anya served as her house treasurer, trained for a dragon boat team, and took part in a Model United Nations conference in Boston with the Trinity College team. Over the summer, Anya helped set up one of the first digital MUN conferences with a group of friends. As with many, this semester is more low-key for Anya, but she still makes sure to connect with PCJ, Munk One, and other activities. She also tries to go on a walk everyday, although with the cold coming, it is getting harder to keep it up!

A fun fact about Anya is that she holds four passports and can speak three languages.