Eric Jackson is a Victoria College student majoring in PCJ and minoring in Economics and Political Science. He looks forward to the tight-knit community at PCJ, as his experience in Munk One taught him the value of being in a small program.

After playing Junior A hockey in Canada for three years, Eric decided to come to U of T, joining  the Munk One program during his first year. As a mature student, Munk One’s small cohort helped him transition back into the routine of going to school. Eric is looking forward to being a member of another small, like-minded group of students through the PCJ program, which Eric has found to be an amazing learning environment.

Aside from PCJ, Eric is most excited about POL211: Challenges of Global Governance in the Digital Age. He is looking forward to exploring these complex topics, particularly given how the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that digital connectivity is a necessity despite not everyone having equal access.

Eric’s main research interests lie in examining international institutions and how they operate to achieve global security. Moreover, he was chosen to be a part of the esteemed Reach Alliance project for this year.

Eric would like to pursue a Master’s or Law Degree and work in the field of global development after graduating from PCJ. However, his plans remain open-ended because he is still exploring what he’d like to pursue, and is thus excited to see where his studies in PCJ take him.

A fun fact about Eric is that he has an identical twin.