Lauren Dundee is a Woodsworth One graduate hailing from Scotland, majoring in PCJ, and double minoring in Spanish and Women & Gender Studies. She is excited to join PCJ and to use it to explore her interests.

Woodsworth One had a big impact on Lauren. Not only did it introduce her to some of her best friends at U of T and to a multitude of campus resources, but it also introduced her to the Peace, Conflict and Justice program. Lauren chose the program because she liked the sense of community and the opportunity to tailor her classes to pursue her  her interests.

Lauren chose to minor in Spanish to deepen her academic understanding of the language, as well as to learn Portuguese concurrently. She decided to minor in Women and Gender Studies because of her passion for women’s rights, an area in which she would like to work in the future.

This summer, Lauren completed an online course offered by the University of Geneva, “Introduction to Human Rights,” which helped her gain a beginner’s understanding of human rights. She is looking forward to exploring this topic in greater detail and combining it with her interest in International Relations, such as through the course POL412H1: Human Rights and International Relations.

Lauren is looking forward to meeting new people and attending the academic and social events, both online and in-person, that the PCJ Student Society organizes. On campus, she also plays Varsity Women’s Water Polo and is a member of UNWomen.

A fun fact about Lauren is that went to high school in Barcelona and speaks fluent Spanish.