Welcome to our brand new PCJ student blog, Dispatches!

Each week, our bloggers Jenn and Kashaf will take you through their lives as PCJ students. Some weeks, they’ll talk about their classes and studies. But some weeks, they might talk about how they procrastinate or how many cat videos they watched instead of writing a paper.


Jenn Eensild

Jenn is in her fourth year at U of T. She is majoring in Peace, Conflict and Justice Studies at the Trudeau Centre, with a double minor in Anthropology and Archaeology. Growing up in small town Guelph, coming to the big city was a big decision but one she’s glad she made. She originally came to U of T wanting to focus on International Relations and Politics, but came to realize that PCJ was a great community and much better fit for her. She loves the interdisciplinary nature of the program, and enjoys finding all the ways it connects to her minors. You can most often find Jenn studying on the top floor of Robarts Library, participating in U of T’s Model UN community, and enjoying her runs around the beautiful U of T campus.





Photo of Kashaf MansoorKashaf Mansoor

Kashaf is a third year student double majoring in Political Science and Peace Conflict and Justice Studies. If not seen at her study desk procrastinating, you can find her speed walking from St.George station to whatever class she is perpetually late for.

She can and will talk your head off about anything from duct tape to the latest episode of the Mindy Project. She believes that if you work hard, laugh a lot and chase your dreams soon the whole world we start to work with you. Music and long hikes are her solutions to all forms of discontent. Living a life of purpose and passion are her main goals. She is sending good vibes to all the readers and is ready for an adventurous PCJ filled year ahead!