michele st amant portrait

Michele St-Amant

Fellow, Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice (2019-2020)


I am a 3rd year Ph.D student in Political Science focusing on International Relations and Comparative Politics. My fields of interest include US foreign policy, great power military interventions, failed and weak states, great power conflicts and competition, great power financial statecraft, and the great power politics of natural resources and water. My research usually involves large-n data analysis, and I have been involved in other collaborative data collection and analysis projects while at the University of Toronto. I completed my undergraduate degree with majors in political science, history, and psychology at Hofstra University in 2015, and my Master’s Degree in Political Science at George Mason University in 2017.

Research Interests

  • International relations
  • US foreign policy
  • Great power politics and competition
  • Great power conflicts
  • Great power military interventions
  • Failed or ‘fragile’ states
  • Great power politics of natural resources and water competition
  • Great power financial statecraft
  • State capacity and development
  • Methods, quantitative analysis


PhD Student, University of Toronto (expected 2022)
Political Science
International Relations (major), Comparative Politics

M.A., George Mason University (2017)
Political Science (Comparative Politics)

B.A., Hofstra University (2015)
Political Science, History, Psychology
Graduated summa cum laude

Selected Publications & Conference Presentations

  • St-Amant, Michele. “Failed States or Failed Solutions? An Empirical Assessment of U.S. Treatment of State Failure in the Developing World,” British International Studies Association. London, June 2019.
  • Ahmad, Aisha S., Amin, Sanjida., and Michele St-Amant. “The Smuggling Curse: Trafficking, Crime, and Organized Violence,” International Studies Association. Toronto, March 2019.
  • St-Amant, Michele. “150 Years of Hate: The Resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan,” Lawfare. May 29, 2016.


  • Teaching Assistant 2019/2020: Politics and Government of the United States (POL203), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Mississauga.
  • Teaching Assistant 2017/2018 and 2018/2019: U.S. Government and Politics (POL203), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, St. George.


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