Paola Salardi, Director of PCJ

Paola Salardi

Assistant Professor, Master of Global Affairs
Director, Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice




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Paola Salardi is an Assistant Professor in Economics and the Director of the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto.  Her background is as an applied economist with a focus on economics of conflict, economic development, inequality and political economy.  Paola’s research has focused on the short and long-term consequences of conflict on welfare, the changing role of women in post-conflict countries, the role of institutions in shaping the presence of violence and on inequality and women’s empowerment.  This has included a broad geographic focus, including work on inequality and discrimination in Brazil, violence and school performance in Mexico, violence, education and women’s empowerment in Timor Leste, and humanitarian responses to crises in Kenya, Nepal and the Philippines.  Alongside her academic work, Paola has also previously worked at the Inter-American Development Bank and as a consultant with UN WOMEN.


Research Interests

Primary: Development Economics, Labor Economics, Political Economy

Specific: Economics of Conflict, Economics of Discrimination, Gender Studies



Ph.D. in Economics, University of Sussex, UK (2013)

M.A. in Economics, University of Sussex, UK (2005)

B.A. in Economics, Bocconi University in Milan, Italy (2003)


Selected Publications

Violence, Psychological Stress and Educational Performance during the “War on Drugs” in Mexico. 2019. Journal of Development Economics. Forthcoming (with Maren M. Michaelsen)

Estimating Conversion Rates: A New Empirical Strategy with an Application to Healthcare in Italy. 2019. Health Economics. 28(6): 748-764 (with Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti and Francesco Scervini)

Taxation, Non-Tax Revenue and Democracy: New Evidence Using New Cross-Country Data. 2018. World Development 109: 295-312 (with Wilson Prichard and Paul Segal)

Economic Development and the Regulation of Morally Contentious Activities. 2017. American Economic Review P&P 107(5): 76-80 (with Julio J. Elias, Mario Macis and Nicola Lacetera)

The Evolution of Gender and Racial Occupational Segregation across Formal and Non-Formal Labor Markets in Brazil, 1987 to 2006. 2016. Review of Income and Wealth 62(S1): S68-S89

Short and Long-Term Impact of Violence on Education: The Case of Timor Leste. 2014. World Bank Economic Review 28(2): 320-353 (with Patricia Justino and Marinella Leone)

Tenuous Link: Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment in Advanced and New Market Economies. 2013. Socio-Economic Review 11(4): 739-769 (with Sabina Avdagic)

Brazilian Poverty Between and Within Groups: Decomposition by Geographical, Group-specific Poverty Lines. 2009. Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 21(1): 50-71


ECO368H1S: Economics of Conflict, Department of Economics, University of Toronto

PCJ460H1F: Causes and Consequences of Civil Wars and Violence, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto

PCJ461H1S: Research Methods in Peace, Conflict and Justice, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto

GLA1012H1S: Statistics for Global Affairs, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto



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