Nancy Bertoldi

Associate Professor, cross-appointed in Political Science and Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice




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Nancy Bertoldi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science. Her research focuses on normative questions in international relations and explores the contours of a just and peaceful global order. Entitled Human Rights and Sovereignty, her first book project develops a civic conception of global justice inspired by Rawls to address the challenges of poverty and inequality as they arise in a plural world. Her second book will examine the practical implications of this theory for policy debates on the global governance of trade, health, and the environment. This work will pay special attention to the roles played by practices of collective justification in the construal of fairness claims and the necessity of developing governance mechanisms that allow for principled and rule-governed civil disobedience within multilateral global institutional frameworks.

Research interests

Global Order
Global Justice
Global Poverty
Global Inequality
Global Pluralism
Human Rights
Global Civil Disobedience


Ph.D. – Government. Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A. (2000)

M.A. – International Relations. Yale University, New Haven, U.S.A. (1995)

B.A. – . Management. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. (1993)

B.A – Political Science and International Relations. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. (1993)

Awards and distinctions

TVO Nomination as Contestant for Best Lecturer, 2005
SSHRC Research Award, 2004
Faculty Development Award from Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs,, 2003
Institute for Advanced Study Endowed Membership, 2003
Excellence inTeaching Award from Bok Centre for Teaching and Learning at Harvard University, 1999
First Place Award in Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, 1993
Third Place Award in Department of management at Boğaziçi University, 1993

Selected Publications

Bertoldi, Nancy. 2013.  “Autonomous Development and Global Empowerment.” Chapter in Political Responsibility Refocused, edited by Genevieve Fuji Johnson and Loralea Michaelis. (University of Toronto Press): pp. 63-77.

Kokaz, Nancy. 2007. 22 pages. “Poverty and Global Justice.” Ethics and International Affairs, Volume 21 No.3 (September): pp.317-336.

Kokaz, Nancy. 2007. 43 pages. “Institutions for Global Justice.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 31 (February): pp. 65-107.

Kokaz, Nancy. 2005. 25 pages. “Theorizing International Fairness.” Metaphilosophy, Volume 36 (January): pp. 68-92.

Kokaz, Nancy. 2001. 23 pages. “Moderating Power: A Thucydidean Perspective.” Review of International Studies, Vol. 27 (January): pp. 27-49


Introduction to Peace, Conflict, and Justice Studies
Introduction to International Relations
Undergraduate Research Participation
Ethics and International Relations
Experiences of Conflict
International Relations Field Seminar
Ethics and International Relations
Supervised Graduate Reading Course


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