Ashley Costa is a Victoria College student majoring in Peace, Conflict and Justice studies and minoring in Portuguese and French. She is interested in politics, sociology, philosophy, and learning new languages.

Ashley choose to major in PCJ because she is interested in both politics and sociology. She also wanted to study the implication of those fields on global issues, something which she is passionate about. Ashley is also interested in learning  new languages, which is part of the reason why she is minoring in French and Portuguese. Moreover, her family is from Portugal, so she would like to be better able to communicate with her grandparents, and considers  learning French valuable when living and working in Canada.

So far, Ashley is enjoying studying in PCJ. In particular, she has found the lectures challenging and engaging, and enjoys the atmosphere of the class discussion. She is looking forward to connecting with the PCJ community and learning more about the relationship between various disciplines and how justice is cultivated.

This year, Ashley is is especially looking forward to taking her Portuguese Language course. She loves learning new languages and is very excited to continue practicing Portuguese.

Ashley is a member of the Hart House Debating Club, and  is particularly passionate about debating politics and philosophical topics. You can find a video of her explaining Canadian Parliamentary Debate for the Club here!

A fun fact about Ashley is that she is currently learning how to roller skate!