Call for Papers
Deadline for abstract submission: April 1, 2019
The Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and the Technology Transfer Society would like to invite you to submit a paper to the 2019 Technology Transfer Conference. The main themes of the Conference will revolve around technology transfer and innovation policy, technology commercialization and entrepreneurship (with a focus on universities), and inclusive innovation. Submissions featuring longitudinal and historical studies, ideally using mixed-methods research are particularly encouraged. Submissions based on other methods are also welcome.
How to Submit Your Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted via email no later than April 1, 2019. When submitting an abstract, please ensure that:
- Your abstract is a maximum of 500 words.
- You indicate the most related theme for your submission. (See below.)
- The document is in .docx, .rtf or .txt format. (Note: PDFs will NOT be accepted.)
- Name, affiliation and contact information for each author is included with your submission.
Please send completed submissions to with the subject line “Abstract Submission”.
Conference Themes
Your abstract submission must indicate the most relevant theme of these three options:
Technology transfer and innovation policy
Government policies have contributed constructively to the performance of leading innovators from Israel to the United States. However, innovation policy uses different resources, and has different absorption capacities in different countries. Papers submitted under the technology transfer and Innovation policy theme can cover topics from intellectual property rights (IP), tax incentives, FDIs, and trade missions, to STEM education and skilled labor training programs. The organizers are particularly interested in studies on intellectual property rights laws, and international trade of IP-protected goods. Moreover, studies that explore the new global regimes for technology transfer (reflecting on, and going beyond, the rise of new nationalisms in technology transfer), multinationals – technology commercialization within and between firms are highly relevant.
Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship
The second theme for the meeting revolves around technology commercialization and entrepreneurship with a particular interest in the role of universities.Commercialization is not a traditional role for universities and HEI are asked to engage in commercialization activities with no added resources. At the university level, what do we know about the ability of universities to drive entrepreneurship and regional development? How have these relationships between town and gown developed? Do universities live up to the expectations? What are the differences in their role across institutions and regions? At the faculty and research staff level, how do faculty members manage teaching, research, and technology commercialization? At the student level, what do we know about the impact of universities on students’ entrepreneurship? What is the value of entrepreneurship learning? Incubation and acceleration programs? Do we see regional impact through students’ firms?
Inclusive Innovation
Lastly, a focus on inclusiveness. Great innovations and entrepreneurship can translate to growth and job creation. However, in our current global economy, growth and job creation do not necessarily occur at the place of innovation. Moreover, innovation is not just for skilled labor and developed countries. It is not directed just for ICT or biotech, and does not happen only in Silicon Valley. How does innovation impact a diverse base of communities? How do we innovate and bring innovation to different parts of the world? Who innovate? This meetings would like to highlight the importance of studies that analyze inclusive innovation. In particular, studies that focus their attention to equality, diversity, and responsibility in innovation. We are especially interested in distribution sensitive innovation policies, which aim at increasing growth while taking into account economic distribution. Studies can range from gender studies and/or disability in technology transfer to social innovation, as well as new spaces for technology transfer: living and urban labs, and technology transfer in art and culture.
Key Dates
- April 1, 2019 – Deadline for abstracts submission
- May 15, 2019 – Notification of acceptance
- May 15, 2019 – Early bird registration opens
- June 30, 2019 – Deadline for accepted authors to register and confirm attendance
*Please note, full paper submissions are not required. Presenters only need to submit an abstract for consideration.