Admissions for Fall 2022 are now closed. All applicants who applied by the deadline will be notified about their admission decision by mid-August.


In order to apply to the Munk One program, you must be a full-time student entering your first year of studies in the Faculty of Arts & Science in September 2022. You can be enrolled at any U of T college.


Apply in your JOIN U of T portal. You can access the portal by using your JOINid login credentials.

As part of your application, you will be prompted to:

  1. Provide us with a copy of your resume, which pays particular attention to co-curricular/volunteer activities that you deem relevant to the Munk One Program.
  1. In no more than 300 words, write an essay on ONE of the following questions:
  • Tell us about a social, economic, political or environmental problem that you think is being addressed in a way that has a transformative impact. What does “transformative” mean to you and how does it apply in this context?
  • Tell us about a problem you feel passionate about and an initiative you developed or joined that helped to address it.

Either question you choose to answer will be interesting to us. Whether from your personal experience or pulled from the news, we’re interested in learning what stirs your imagination!


The deadline to apply is March 27, 2022.


All applicants who applied by the deadline will be notified about their admission decision by mid-August.

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