Calling all Munk One alumni, graduated and current! 

Since our program launched in 2013, we have welcomed cohort after cohort of big thinkers and even bigger doers. Whether you are still with us at U of T for the rest of your undergraduate studies, or you are all across the world pursuing other endeavours, we hope you will take the time to (re)connect with your Munk One peers. As you know very well, community rests at the core of Munk One and is something we have always been committed to nurturing. During these bizarre times, staying connected with our communities is more important than ever.

To that end, we want to invite you to stay connected with the Munk One; whether that be for keeping in touch with old peers, meeting our current students, sharing opportunities, or simply checking in to say hello, we want to keep the ties from our tightly knit program strong. We understand that old email addresses retire, and we would love to have your updated preferred mode of contact so we can reach out! In addition to community-building purposes, we may also send program updates from time to time to keep you in the loop on happenings at Munk One as we evolve and adapt to different circumstances – such as the recent introduction of global classrooms to promote cross-cultural learnings around COVID-19. We promise your information will be kept purely for Munk One outreach purposes, and that we won’t spam you!

All the best and thank you for helping us keep the Munk One community strong and connected!

Update your contact information here: