


 DSC_9976Danielle Pal

MUNK ONE 2014-15

Danielle was one of the two 2015-2016 Heaslip Scholarship recipients, one of Trinity College’s most prestigious awards. She credits Munk One with playing a large role in helping guide her in her academics, extracurricular activities, and interests. She currently holds multiple leadership roles on campus in environmental advocacy and student publications. Through Munk One’s summer experience opportunities, Danielle was able to travel and study in Israel, at the Hebrew University. This experience inspired her to attain an internship in Israel for the following summer, at an environmental law clinic.

Victor YingVictor Ying

Munk One 2013-14

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” Confucius’s words have a profound impact on all who take its message to heart; for me, it led to creating an investment fund with my best friend Kein. We met in boarding school in Upper Canada College, and it quickly became apparent we shared an intense curiosity and passion for finance, particularly value investing. We would often spend our free time sharing business stories and having lively discussions. By the time we both went on to Trinity College, we had already dissected piles of annual reports, letters, and news articles.

The first step towards creating a fund came from my Munk One class. The values of leadership and innovative thinking encouraged by Professors Wong and Kramarz had an enormous impact on me. As a life science student, I didn’t think I would do anything about my interests in finance beyond reading. My professors, however, showed the class the importance of challenging conventional ways of thinking and effecting change by shouldering the weight of leadership. I began to poke at my inhibitions and after first year, it struck me: Just because most funds were started by experienced individuals, why couldn’t two college buddies start their own fund?

It wasn’t enough to learn about stocks through books or even clubs: I needed to experience it. Soon we were calling lawyers, accountants, and even clients to raise money. Many mistakes were made, and it certainly was not a straightforward path. I’m proud to say that since we began investing, our diligence has yielded an astonishing 40% return. We now manage $80,000 with the possibility of more every day. It has been an exciting journey so far; we have both matured and fostered an even greater desire to reach new heights.

To others, this is a sizable fund managed by two college kids with great results: to me, it will always be a testament to the endless possibilities of hard work, dedication, innovative thinking, and true friendship.

Banner reading Munk One Alumna Makes Global Health NewsSimran Dhunna

Munk One 2013-14

Munk One alumna Simran Dhunna co-authored an essay on mycetoma that was selected as the Untold Global Health Story of 2015 by Global Health NOW, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Mycetoma, endemic in tropical and subtropical areas, is overlooked by Western nations: the essay by Simran and her co-author (DLPSH student Annie Liang) was chosen from more than 170 entries.

Read about the contest

Photo of Apurva, Kerry and Nicoli in Northern IrelandNicoli Dos Santos and Apurva Kilambi

Munk One 2013-14

In summer 2014, Munk One students Nicoli Dos Santos and Apurva Kilambi, together with their MGA student mentor Kerry Paterson, travelled to Northern Ireland to work with the Initiative for Conflict Related Trauma on their Munk One project, an app to diagnose PTSD in refugee camps. Their app is now being piloted, and their work from last summer has been featured in a new report by the Commission for Victims and Survivors, Ulster University.

Read the report here

Profile shot of Anah MirzaANAH MIRZA

Munk One 2013-14

From Mississauga, ON

Majors: Ethics, Society and Law & Peace, Conflict and Justice

Extracurricular Activities: Model United Nations, Debate Club, Student Government

Summer Experience: Program Assistant for the Master of Global Affairs Program

Favourite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Profile shot of Stephanie Lim


Munk One 2013-14

From Toronto, ON

Majors: Contemporary Asian Studies & Peace, Conflict and Justice

Extracurricular Activities: G8/G20 Research Group, Students for Gender Equality

Summer Experience: Took part in a research internship at MaRS Discovery District

Favourite Book: Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Profile shot of Nicolas Sopuch


Munk One 2013-14

From Bradford, ON

Major: Peace, Conflict and Justice

Extracurricular Activities: Varsity Rowing Team, Intramural Basketball

Summer Experience: Working for a biotech start-up company housed at the Kelley Laboratory

Lab Research Project: Researched and produced a paper on the development of Chinese carbon markets

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