The Canadian Year in Freiburg: Discover Europe in Germany 


Study for a year at the University of Freiburg under the guidance of a Resident Director and earn Canadian university credits.

The Canadian Year in Freiburg is open to students of all disciplines from Canadian universities and colleges.
Language requirement: Beginners and intermediate university German (A2 level) or high school and intermediate university German or equivalent.

For over three decades, the Canadian Year in Freiburg (CYF) exchange program has offered students the opportunity to study at one of Germany’s top academic universities, to immerse themselves in German culture and society and to explore Europe.

Application:  Students with a letter of permission from their home institution need to apply to Acadia University and pay Acadia University tuition for two terms. The tuition covers all study fees of the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg.

Duration:  The program starts in September and runs until the end of July of the following year (two semesters in total).

Financial support: A limited number of scholarships from the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg is available.

Accommodation:  Rooms in student residences are provided at a cost similar to or below Canadian university rates.

Curriculum:  The CYF program offers at least 15 credit hours (or five courses). These courses are offered exclusively to CYF students and are specifically designed to meet Canadian academic requirements. Students are expected to take the remaining 15 credit hours at the Albert-Ludwigs-University, the Pädagogische Hochschule or the Sprachlehrinstitut.

The following courses were offered in the academic year 2015/16:

Immersion period: Advanced German Language I (four weeks/three hours per day in September prior to the actual start of the winter semester) (three credit hours)

Winter semester: 

Advanced German Language II
(three credit hours)

Landeskunde and Cultural Studies
(three credit hours)

German Film (1920s to the Present)
(three credit hours)

Summer semester:

German Literature from the 18th century to the present
(three credit hours)

Advanced German Language III
Preparation course toward the B2 exam
(three credit hours)

Resident director:  The CYF program provides local support to students. A Resident Director (RD) will be on hand to assist students in settling in and with the registration process. In addition to teaching the language courses, the RD will also look after the academic issuing of transfer course credits to Canada.

This program is organized by the German Studies Section of the Department of Languages and Literatures, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.


Dr. Christian Thomas
Coordinator of German Studies
Department of Languages and Literatures,
Acadia University, Wolfville, B4P 2R6
Tel: (902) 585-1389


For additional Information please refer to:

CYF Academic Recognition Award (new from 2016)

  • Details: Award amounts range from $1000 – $1500
  • Eligibility requirement: minimum overall grade average of 85%
  • How to apply for award: Prepare a “letter of Intent” in English together with a paragraph in German explaining why you want to take part in the Canadian Year in Freiburg and how you will benefit from the experience (see Page 3 of the “Canadian Year in Freiburg Application”)
  • Deadline for program and award applications: Monday, February 15, 2017