Latest Internship/Exchange Entries

Germany: iPRAKTIKUM – Internationalization and Experiential Learning Initiative

September 12, 2018

Students want to connect what they learn in the classroom to work-related, career contexts, and employers are increasingly demanding graduates with practical experience and global competency. Launched in March 2017 in consultation with the VP International, Vice-Dean Undergraduate and International,...

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Freiburg: Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

October 12, 2016

The Canadian Year in Freiburg: Discover Europe in Germany    Study for a year at the University of Freiburg under the guidance of a Resident Director and earn Canadian university credits. The Canadian Year in Freiburg is open to students...

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Cara Poblador at the Institute for Minority Rights at the European Academy of Bolzano

Bolzano: Student Internship Experience – Institute for Minority Rights at the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC)

June 14, 2016

Between the months of May and July 2015, Cara interned for the Institute for Minority Rights at the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC). Her ten-week internship was, in many ways, a valuable learning experience. She learned about the successful yet...

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Berlin, Germany: Humboldt University

February 19, 2013

2010 marked the 200th anniversary of the Humboldt-Universität. As one of eleven German universities, the Humboldt-Universität was chosen “University of Excellence” in June 2012. It was successful in all three funding lines in the third round of the Excellence Initiative...

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Tartu, Estonia: University of Tartu

February 19, 2013

UT is Estonia’s leading centre of research and training. It preserves the culture of the Estonian people and spearheads the country’s reputation in research and provision of higher education. It was founded in 1632 by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus....

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Brussels, Belgium: The Université libre de Bruxelles

February 19, 2013

The Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is a French-speaking university in Brussels, Belgium. It has 21,000 students, 29% of whom come from abroad, and an equally cosmopolitan staff. Visit for more information.

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Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna

February 19, 2013

The University of Vienna was founded in 1365 and is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe Visit for more information.

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Germany: DAAD Exchange Program

February 19, 2013

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is a publicly-funded independent organization of higher education institutions in Germany. Visit for more information.

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Tbilisi, Georgia: Ilia State University

February 19, 2013

ISU was established in 2006 as a merger of six different institutions, each having a long history and a diverse institutional profile. With its over 800 academic staff, the university strives to provide excellence in all areas of academic practice...

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Sofia, Bulgaria: The University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”

February 19, 2013

The University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” maintains relations with educational institutions and organizations from more than thirty countries from around the world and is part of many international programs. Visit for more information.

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