Israel’s Strategic Challenges 2014

Posted by on Mar 7, 2014 in Past Events |

Dr. Ariel Levite is a Nonresident Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Earlier he has been the Principal Deputy Director General (Policy) at the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (2002-2007), a Visiting Fellow at CISAC, Stanford University (2000-2002), Deputy Israeli National Security Advisor (Defense Policy) (1999-2000), and Head of the Bureau of International Security at the Israeli MOD. Dr. Levite has published...

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High-Tech Power or Theocracy? Why Israel Is Difficult To Understand (even to Israelis)

Posted by on Mar 3, 2014 in Past Events |

Carlo Strenger is an existential psychoanalyst, philosopher and public intellectual. He teaches at the School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University, serves on the Terrorism Panel of the World Federation of Scientists, the scientific board of the Sigmund Freud Foundation in Vienna and the Seminar for Existential Psychoanalysis in Zurich in addition to maintaining a part-time Private Practice in Psychotherapy. In the last decade his...

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Israel’s Security Challenges in a Changing Middle East – Isaac Ben-Israel

Posted by on Feb 10, 2014 in Past Events |

Professor Isaac Ben-Israel is an Israeli military scientist, general and ex-politician. He currently serves as the chairman of the Israeli Space Agency and the National Council for Research and Development, under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology. He finished his service in the IDF ranked General, serving as Director of Defence R&D of Israel MOD and IDF. Between 2010-2012 he served as chief Cybernetics adviser to...

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The Israeli Condition: 2014 – Ari Shavit

Posted by on Feb 3, 2014 in Past Events |

Ari Shavit is a leading Israeli columnist and writer. He is a senior correspondent at  Ha’aretz newspaper and a member of its editorial board.  In recent years, his voice has  become one of the most powerful and influential voices in Israel’s public arena. His  unique writing, which challenges the dogmas of both right and left, has made him one of  the leading political thinkers of the Jewish state.  His new book, My Promised Land,  published...

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Book Launch: Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel’s Peacekeeping – Oded Haklai

Posted by on Jan 16, 2014 in Past Events | 0 comments

Miriam Fendius Elman is associate professor of political science at the Maxwell School, Syracuse University. Oded Haklai is associate professor of political studies at Queen’s University. Hendrik Spruyt is Norman Dwight Harris Professor of International Relations and director of the Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies at Northwestern University. “Helman, Haklai, and Spruyt’s edited book is a major contribution to our...

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Political Concepts in the Israeli Hebrew Mind – Dan Avnon

Posted by on Nov 28, 2013 in Past Events | 0 comments

Professor Dan Avnon is a political theorist from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dan is currently the Grafstein Visiting Professor in Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto’s Centre for Jewish Studies. His publications in the past five years include edited books on Plurality and Citizenship in Israel, Civic Education in Israel, and a Hebrew version of his book Martin Buber: The Hidden Dialogue. This in addition to essays in general and...

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