Latest Research: Publications

When the Future Disappears: The Modernist Imagination in Late Colonial Korea

October 7, 2014

Professor Janet Poole’s forthcoming book discusses Korea’s literary production during Japanese rule

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Living on Your Own

October 7, 2014

Living on Your Own: Young Women and the Pursuit for Independence   Professor Jesook Song, Associate Professor of Anthropology and a faculty affiliate of the Centre for the Study of Korea at the University of Toronto, has published Living on...

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Political Change in Southeast Asia

Political Change in Southeast Asia

November 15, 2013

Jacques Bertrand’s new book provides a fresh and highly original survey of politics and political change in Southeast Asia, against the backdrop of rapid economic development and social transformation.

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Democratization and Ethnic Minorities: Conflict or Compromise?

November 15, 2013

Edited by Jacques Bertrand and Oded Haklai Many new democracies are characterized by majority dominance and ethnocentrism. Varying paths or transitions toward democracy create very different outcomes for how ethnic identities, communities and politics are recognized. This book illustrates the...

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The Light of Knowledge

September 25, 2013

In The Light of Knowledge: Literacy Activism and the Politics of Writing in South India, Francis Cody’s ethnography of the Arivoli Iyakkam (the Enlightenment Movement) highlights the paradoxes inherent in movements that seek to emancipate people through literacy when literacy is a power-laden social practice in its own right.

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Queer Activism in India: A Story in the Anthropology of Ethics

October 26, 2012

Centre for South Asian Studies and Anthropology Professor Naisargi Dave’s new monograph, Queer Activism in India (Duke University Press 2012), examines the formation of lesbian communities in India from the 1980s to the early 2000s. Based on ethnographic research conducted with activist organizations in Delhi, a body of letters written by lesbian women, and research with lesbian communities and queer activist groups across the country, Dave studies the everyday practices that constitute queer activism in India.

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Prosper or Perish: Credit and Fiscal Systems in Rural China

September 26, 2012

Asian Institute and Political Science Professor Lynette Ong’s new monograph, Prosper or Perish (Cornell University Press 2012), examines credit and fiscal systems in rural China.

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The Already Dead: The New Time of Politics, Culture, and Illness

August 26, 2012

By Eric Cazdyn In The Already Dead, Eric Cazdyn examines the ways that contemporary medicine, globalization, politics, and culture intersect to produce a condition and concept that he names “the new chronic.” Cazdyn argues that just as contemporary medicine uses targeted...

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Betting on Biotech: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State Book Launch

January 24, 2012

January 24, 2012 Event details: In Betting on Biotech: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State, Joseph Wong examines the emerging biotechnology sector in Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. These economies have invested billions of dollars in biotech...

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A Passion for Facts: Social Surveys and the Construction of the Chinese Nation-State, 1900–1949

November 26, 2011

By Tong Lam In this path-breaking book, Tong Lam examines the emergence of the “culture of fact” in modern China, showing how elites and intellectuals sought to transform the dynastic empire into a nation-state, thereby ensuring its survival. Lam argues...

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