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Book Cover: Text reads "From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia." Dan Slater and Joseph Wong. Blue text in green boxes on blue background. Small map of east and southeast Asia.

Joseph Wong’s new book: From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia

March 14, 2022

Joseph Wong, (Professor of Political Science and Roz and Ralph Halbert Professor of Innovation, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy) has published From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia with co-author Dan Slater (Princeton University Press,...

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Book Cover. Abstract background. Text reads: Cambridge Elements: Elements in Contentious Politics. The Street and the Ballot Box. Lynette H. Ong.

Lynette Ong’s New Book: The Street and the Ballot Box

February 24, 2022

Lynette Ong (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Asian Institute) has published The Street and the Ballot Box: Interactions Between Social Movements and Electoral Politics in Authoritarian Contexts (Cambridge University Press, 2022). Summary How do discontented masses and opposition...

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Book Cover. Image of man walking away from dying palm trees. Text reads: Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone. Tania Murray Li and Pujo Semedi.

New Book by Tania Li: Plantation Life

December 20, 2021

Tania Li (University Professor, Department of Anthropology) has co-published with Pujo Semedi (Universitas Gadjah Mada) Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia’s Oil Palm Zone (Duke University Press, 2021). In Plantation Life Tania Murray Li and Pujo Semedi examine the structure and governance...

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Colonial Institutions and Civil War: Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India by Shivaji Mukherjee (Cambridge University Press)

New Book by Shivaji Mukherjee: Colonial Institutions and Civil War: Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India

June 21, 2021

Shivaji Mukherjee (Assistant Professor of Political Science, UTM) has published “Colonial Institutions and Civil War: Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India” (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Book description What explains the peculiar spatial variation of Maoist insurgency in India? Mukherjee develops...

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Capitalism and the Camera: Essays on Photography and Extraction Edited by Kevin Coleman and Daniel James

Kajri Jain and Tong Lam Write Essays for Capitalism and the Camera

June 3, 2021

Kajri Jain (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Studies, UTM; Affiliated Faculty, Centre for South Asian Studies) and Tong Lam (Associate Professor, Department of Historical Studies UTM; Acting Director, Dr. David Chu Program in Asia Pacific Studies; and Director of the Global...

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Democracy and Nationalism in Southeast Asia: From Secessionist Mobilization to Conflict Resolution. By Jacques Bertrand.

Jacques Bertrand publishes Democracy and Nationalism in Southeast Asia

May 19, 2021

Jacques Bertrand (Professor of Political Science and Director of the Collaborative Master’s Program in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies) has published “Democracy and Nationalism in Southeast Asia: From Secessionist Mobilization to Conflict Resolution” (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Read a...

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Book Cover: A Genealogy of Terrorism: Colonial Law and the Origins of an Idea. Joseph Mcquade. Image of a bomb.

Joseph McQuade Publishes A Genealogy of Terrorism

November 25, 2020

Richard Charles Lee Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Joseph McQuade has published A Genealogy of Terrorism: Colonial Law and the Origins of an Idea (Cambridge University Press). Book description Using India as a case study, Joseph McQuade demonstrates how the modern concept...

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Sida Liu Receives Asian Law & Society Association Distinguished Article Award

November 25, 2020

Sida Liu was given the award for his article, co-authored with Di Wang, “Performing Artivism: Feminists, Lawyers, and Online Legal Mobilization in China.”

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Hae Yeon Choo

New article by Hae Yeon Choo: “Speculative Home-Making: Women’s Labor, Class Mobility, and the Affect of Homeownership in South Korea.”

January 16, 2020

Urban Studies 2019. Full text:  Since the 1960s, urban South Korea has seen a series of real estate booms characterised by a huge surge in the construction of apartment complexes and skyrocketing housing prices. In this environment, many South...

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Bharat Punjabi

Bharat Punjabi writes on India’s water problems for East Asia Forum

September 14, 2018

The 2018 floods in the Indian state of Kerala highlight an enduring paradox within the country’s water problems. Even as some parts of the country dealt with water scarcity, the monsoon rains wreaked havoc and caused a flooding disaster that...

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