Latest Research: Projects

UCRSEA Urban Climate Resilience Workshop


May 6, 2016

Opening the Second Annual Meeting and Workshop of Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership program (UCRSEA) in Hanoi, H.E. David Devine, Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam, highlighted the importance of building resilient urban futures for the countries in the Mekong...

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Mediating the People: Newspapers and Mass Politics in South India

September 16, 2015

Professor Francis Cody received a SSHRC Insight Grant for his project Mediating the People: Newspapers and Mass Politics in South India. Read more about the project below. This project examines the role of newspapers in shaping political life in Tamil Nadu, India....

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Professor Takashi Fujitani on Racism in America, War Memory, and Clint Eastwood

January 15, 2015

Undergraduate student Rachel Ball-Jones sat down with Professor Takashi Fujitani to talk about his research on Japan in World War II and how Hollywood plays a role shaping memory.

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Policing and Order in India: An interview with Beatrice Jauregui

January 15, 2015

Undergraduate student Lily Li sat down with Professor Beatrice Jauregui to talk about publications and her study of the police force in India.

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headshot photo of amrita daniere

Strengthening Urban Climate Change Resilience in Southeast Asia

November 5, 2014

Asian Institute affiliated Professor Amrita Daniere co-directs a new multimillion dollar partnership on climate resilience

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Hong Kong Basic Law Portal

Launch of the Hong Kong Basic Law Portal

November 15, 2013

The Hong Kong Basic Law Portal was successfully launched with a well-attended ceremony held at the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library on November 13, 2013. The ceremony was officiated with remarks by Dr. Vivienne Poy, Chair of the Advisory...

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Global Ideas Institute

April 3, 2013

The 2012-13 Global Ideas Institute (GII) challenged Toronto-area high school students to create a strategy to scale up the supply of Sprinkles micronutrient powders, improve the distribution of the product, and ensure that targeted end-users (people in developing countries who have limited access to a diverse supply of foods and are at risk of micronutrient deficiencies) are aware of it and are using it correctly. Students worked together with U of T professors and undergraduate and graduate student mentors throughout the year on this problem, culminating in a day-long symposium where they present their findings to leading experts in the field.

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Social Innovation Research Group

March 2, 2013

The Social Innovation Research Group held a groundbreaking conference in Taipei, Taiwan, in February 2013 that brought together guests from diverse fields within the local social enterprise community. The SIRG symposium was held to discuss the ways in which success in social enterprise can be achieved and measured, as well as how to coordinate the social enterprise community in order to achieve maximum impact in society.

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Exhibiting the Cambodian Genocide: The Pasts and Present of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and Choeung Ek Genocidal Center

October 26, 2012

Researcher: Asian Institute Affiliate Carla Rose Shapiro   Scant scholarly attention has been paid to the genocide in Cambodia relative to the Holocaust, and genocides perpetrated subsequently. Fewer still are the number of studies which consider the representation of the...

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Buddhist Reliquaries of Gandhara

September 26, 2012

Researcher: David Jongeward, Asian Institute Visiting Scholar Gandhara is well known to art historians and historians of religion as home to a prolific school of Buddhist sculpture that flourished in the 1st to 4th centuries AD. I am currently engaged...

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