Latest Research: Events

UCRSEA Urban Climate Resilience Workshop


May 6, 2016

Opening the Second Annual Meeting and Workshop of Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership program (UCRSEA) in Hanoi, H.E. David Devine, Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam, highlighted the importance of building resilient urban futures for the countries in the Mekong...

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“We asked for workers. We got people instead.”

March 24, 2015

“We asked for workers. We got people instead.” Such is the nature of the lives of migrant women in Hong Kong. On March 2, 2015 Nicole Constable, director of anthropology and Asian studies at the University of Pittsburg, visited the...

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Land’s End: Capitalist Relations on an Indigenous Frontier

February 9, 2015

What does a transition from subsistence agriculture to capitalist agriculture look like? At the January 23, 2015 book launch for Tania Li’s new book, Land’s End: Capitalist Relations on an Indigenous Frontier,  co-sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, the Development...

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Migration, Ecology, and China’s New Urban Space: A Screening of The Land of Many Palaces

February 9, 2015

Picture this: A sprawling metropolis situated in the middle of a barren desert, comprised of a multitude rows of glimmering, but empty apartment blocks. Welcome to Ordos City.

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Modern Chinese Intellectual History: Diversity Hidden Under Dissent

February 6, 2015

In the West, when we think of Chinese intellectuals, the figures that come to mind are dissidents and democrats, activists and idealists. Often, the ones on our radar are those who have been imprisoned or persecuted for their ideas and...

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Non-Alignment and Afro-Asianism: The Difficult History of Two Sibling Movements

January 5, 2015

Non Alignment and Afro-Asianism, two terms deriving from similar ideological roots, are distinct movements that projected an enormous influence on the so-called third-world. On November 28, 2014, Dr. Lorenz M. Luthi presented at the Asian Institute an intriguing overview of...

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Multispecies Infrastructures in Thailand’s Chao Phraya Delta: Lecture on Floating Rice, Water Management Infrastructures, and Political Interests

December 5, 2014

What do rice, politics, and infrastructures have to do with each other? More than intuition would have us believe, as Atsuro Morita highlighted in his November 28, 2014 talk at the Asian Institute on multispecies infrastructures in Thailand’s Chao Phraya...

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“White Lawyer’s Burden” and Legal Orientalism: Lecture by Teemu Ruskola

November 26, 2014

The English Poet, Rudyard Kipling believed that the western civilization was duty bound to enlighten the more brutish and barbaric parts of the world. His poem, the White Man’s Burden opens by referring to these people as “new-caught, sullen peoples,...

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Afterlives of the Korean War: On Unfinished Wars and The Politics of the Past- Panel Event

November 20, 2014

An unresolved war in the Korean Peninsula continues to affect people’s lives even today. Korea’s geopolitical conditions have justified as state of emergency as a rule governing life. To address this issue, on October 24, 2014 the Centre for the...

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Afterlives of the Korean War – Truth and Reconciliation in Korea Keynote Lecture

November 20, 2014

The Korean War continues to be the longest drawn conflict in the 20th century. Despite relative peace and tranquillity at the demilitarised zone between the two Koreas, the war officially is still ongoing sixty-four years from its breakout. Korea thus...

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