Event Highlights:
Russia’s Attack on Ukraine

Russia’s Attack on Ukraine

JANUARY 31, 2022

Russia recently placed 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s border — leading Europe to the brink of war. Bringing together experts on Russian and Ukrainian politics, this panel explored why Putin provoked this crisis, what the consequences are likely to be and what can be done. This event was hosted by the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies.


Maria Avdeeva
Research Director, European Expert Association

Oxana Shevel
Associate Professor of Political Science at Tufts, President of the American Association for Ukrainian Studies (AAUS), and an associate of the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute and of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard.

Brian Taylor
Professor of Political Science at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. 

Lucan Way
University of Toronto Professor, Department of Political Science, Cross-appointed faculty, Munk School of Global Affairs