New Citizen Lab report on the extensive hacking of media & civil society in El Salvador with Pegasus Spyware

The Citizen Lab and Access Now have conducted a joint investigation into Pegasus hacking in El Salvador in collaboration with Frontline Defenders, SocialTIC, and Fundación Acceso.

They have identified 35 cases of journalists and members of civil society whose phones were successfully infected with NSO’s Pegasus spyware between July 2020 and November 2021. Citizen Lab shared a sample of forensic data with Amnesty International’s Security Lab which independently confirms the findings.

Targets include mostly journalists from El Salvador organizations and took place while the organizations were reporting on sensitive issues involving the administration of President Bukele. Citizen Lab has identified a Pegasus customer operating almost exclusively in El Salvador since at least November 2019 they have called TOROGOZ.

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El Salvador journalists and activists hacked with spyware, report says

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