Global Innovation Policy

Facts and Figures

Term: Winter/Spring

Day & Time: Wednesday 10:30am-1pm (LEC0101) & Thursday 10:30am-1pm (LEC0102)

Instructor(s): Dan Breznitz

*Students enrolled in GLA1011H LEC0101 on Wednesdays 10:30am-1pm MUST enroll in GLA1014H LEC0101 on Thursdays 10am-1pm.


This course provides an introduction to cross-national study of the role of the state in industrial development, innovation, and business-government relations. The emphasis is on providing a broad base of the competing theoretical perspectives with particular attention to the different ways in which state and markets interact in rapid-innovation-based industries. Special consideration is given to the role of Science and Technology Industrial Policies, Innovation, and Economic Development. Centering our attention on politics the seminar examines the nature and extent of government in business and business in government.

Meet Your Professor: Dan Breznitz