Diala Ltief

Diala Lteif

Research Associate

Diala Lteif is currently a doctoral researcher at the Geography and Planning Department at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on displacement due to conflict, specifically looking at an urban historical study of Beirut, Lebanon. Prior to her research in the urban realm, Diala was an information and process designer with extensive experience in data visualization, community work, and field research. Her work explored design-led research, participatory methods, systems thinking, and storytelling, as methods of inquiry into conflict areas and education. She is a Trillium awardee, a Fulbright scholar and has an MFA in transdisciplinary Design from Parsons the New School for Design. She served for 3-years as full-time faculty and assistant director to the design department at ALBA (Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts), where she taught the global design studio to first-year masters students.