
Emily Scott

Dr. Emily Scott is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for International Peace and Security at McGill University. She studies international relations and comparative politics, with a focus on humanitarianism, conflict and security, health, and migration. Her current book project, Governing Need: Decentralization, Political Entrepreneurs, and Humanitarian Response to the War in Syria, explores humanitarian health response to Syrian migrant and refugee displacements into Lebanon and Jordan. She received her PhD from the University of Toronto in the Department of Political Science and was a predoctoral Visiting Scholar at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University and Institute for Middle East Studies. Her doctoral work was supported by SSHRC and Fulbright Canada. Dr. Scott was also a 2019–20 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security & Diplomacy.

Dr. Scott’s work is published in both academic and public outlets, including the Comparative Program on Health and Society Working Paper Series, UN Documents, The Conversation, and the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage. She has worked for organizations such as the Canadian International Development Agency’s Afghanistan Task Force, the UNDP in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the Carter Center in South Sudan, and Doctors Without Borders in Canada.