
Melika Ameresekere

Media and Communications Co-chair

Melika is a first year MGA student at the University of Toronto. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto studying Equity Studies, Diaspora Transnational Studies and South Asian Studies. Through these disciples of study she came to learn more about migration and grew a vested interest in the subject. During her undergrad, she focused on the relationship between human trafficking and smuggling and healthcare which led her to present research at a UofT student conference about illicit organ trading across borders. Melika has also volunteered with Community Kitchen Programs, developing workshops on healthy and accessible meals for marginalized populations in Downtown Toronto and has worked with immigrant families and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Applied Behavioural Analysis therapy. Her area of interest is in healthcare development and access for conflict inflicted migrant communities as well as human trafficking and smuggling and security.