
Webinar: Internet Voting Project Key Findings

The Centre for e-Democracy (CeD) released key findings from the SSHRC-funded Internet Voting Project – a study of voters, candidates, and election administration in the 2014 Ontario municipal elections – during a free webinar on Thursday, January 29th.

Dr. Nicole Goodman, CeD Research Director and Assistant Professor in the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, shared findings from her research, which, in part, addresses the question: What is the impact of Internet voting on local elections in Canada?

The CeD is a charitable organization created by Delvinia CEO Adam Froman with a mandate to translate and disseminate academic research to the general public and stakeholders such as yourself.  Dr. David A. Wolfe, Co-Director, Innovation Policy Lab, is a member of the CeD Board of Directors.

Webinar Details

TOPIC: The 2014 Ontario Municipal Elections and Electoral Modernization

DATE: Thursday, January 29th

TIME: 2 3 p.m. (EST)