Faculty members from La Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USD) and Coastal Carolina University (CCU) partnered to offer a course on Global Environmental Politics and Political Ecology over a five-week period in the Spring of 2012.

In their implementation report, faculty noted that this has been a very worthwhile experience, which has been enriching at the personal and professional levels for students and course instructors. Faculty noted that they would hope to offer the course again as technology becomes available.

The course was taught in English and no language issues were reported since students at both institutions were fluent in English. Students gathered together as an entire group twice via video conference, and broke out into small groups of 3-5 students for interactive blogging assignments. The course employed three modes of communication: 1) video conference, 2) blogs, and 3) a visit by one partner faculty member from USD for an in-person lecture at CCU.

The course assessment involved interactive blogs, a joint research Wiki project, a project presentation, a mid-term assignment, a final exam, and a reflective essay about the GNLE experience. The full report published by COIL also includes common assessment rubrics that have been developed by course instructors. The students’ blogs and other assignments are available here.

Some technology issues were experienced due to Interconnect connection failures. As a result, faculty would recommend seeking a partner institution with strong Internet connections and easy access for future GNLE projects.

For further details about this case study – and to find many other practical examples – see the full report here: COIL Institute for Globally Networked Learning in the Humanities: Course Development and Implementation Case Study. Collaborative Online International Learning Institute.

The following is a list of the case studies that are included in the report:

  1. Australia – USA: Film & Screening
  2. Australia – USA: History & Anthropology
  3. Australia – USA: Theater & Voice
  4. Belize – USA: English Literature & Composition
  5. Canada – USA: Political Science & Youth Culture
  6. Croatia – USA: Rhetoric & Composition
  7. Ecuador – USA: Environmental Studies
  8. Germany – USA: World Science Fiction
  9. Ghana – USA: Film & Media Studies
  10. Ghana – USA: Introduction to Global Citizenship
  11. India – USA: Missed Connections: Anatomy of a Failed GLC
  12. Japan – USA: Global Studies and English as a Foreign Language
  13. Japan – USA: Japanese Language & Culture
  14. Japan – USA: Sociology-Global Youth Culture
  15. Lebanon – USA: Human Rights
  16. Mexico – USA: Women’s Studies & Political Science
  17. Netherlands – USA: Intercultural Studies
  18. Romania – UK – USA: Political Science & Public Administration
  19. Russia – USA: Women and Gender Studies & Linguistics
  20. Russia – USA: History
  21. Russia – USA: Intercultural Communications & Foreign Languages
  22. South Africa – Denmark – USA: Music
  23. South Korea – USA: Technical Writing & Communication
  24. Spain – USA: Spanish & English, Languages & Cultures
  25. Turkey – USA: Economics