Friday, November 17th, 2023 Where sex is work: the global migration-sex work nexus

Friday, November 17, 20231:00PM - 4:00PMSeminar Room 208N, This event took place in-person at Room 208N, North House, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON, M5S 3K7


The workshop has two goals. First, from a sex-work-positive perspective, it will explore sex work (straight and LGBTQ+ [including Kathoey]) as work. What motivates sex workers to join the sector? How do conditions vary by legal status (criminalized, de-criminalized, regulated)? How do experiences vary by class, age, and racialized status? How does sex work connect with broader regional, national and global economies? Second, the workshop will examine the migration-sex work nexus. What is the relationship between migration and sex work? What particular challenges are faced by migrant sex workers (and how do they vary by age, class, racialized status)? What role does state-generated irregularization play in sex work?


Rhacel Parreñas, Florence Everline Professor of Sociology and Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Southern California and Visiting Professor, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Sociology, Princeton University will deliver the keynote speech titled ‘Sexual Labour and Capital.’



A reception will follow the event.


This workshop is funded by the DAAD with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office (AA).


Tanyaa Mehta


Nicola Mai
Leicester University

Rhacel Parreñas
Princeton University

Rachel Silvey
Department of Geography and Director, the Asian Institute, the Munk School

Randall Hansen
CRC in Global Migration and Director, the Global Migration Lab

Tunay Altay
Humboldt University, Berlin

Ursula Probst
Freie Universität, Berlin

Main Sponsor

Global Migration Lab


Global Migration Lab

Harney Programme in Ethnic, Immigration & Pluralism Studies

Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies

Joint Initiative for German and European Studies

CRC in Global Migration, Department of Political Science

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