Friday, April 27th, 2018 CDO 5th Annual Partnership Conference

Friday, April 27, 20189:00AM - 4:00PMExternal Event, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue-Asia Pacific Hall
580 W Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC


A G E N D A – DAY 3
Friday, April 27, 2017

08:30 – 09:00 Coffee – Atrium

09:00 – 09:05 Welcome

09:05 – 10:20 Session 6 – How the Platform Economy is Disrupting Everything (15” each/15” questions)

Ken Coates, “The Global Digital Economy: Government policy and Canadian opportunities”
Charles Davis /w Emilia Zboralska, “Cultural Policy and the Digital Disruption: the case of Creative Canada”
Carin Holroyd, “Digital Content Development and Promotion in South Korea, Taiwan and Japan”
Meredith Williams, U of Edinburgh /w Jennifer Jeffs: “Fintech in Canada: An opportunity beyond finance”

10:20 – 10:40 Refreshment Break – Atrium

10:40 – 12:00 Session 7 – SYNTHESIS SESSIONS – PART ONE

7.1 THEME ONE – Global Production Networks – Leaders: Joe Wong/Doug Fuller

1. What is the ICT/digital ecosystem like in specific geography/sector? How GPN are ultimately refracted through national / sectoral context.
2. What are the opportunities and challenges for Canadian firms with respect to plugging into these networks?

7.2 THEME TWO – Local Context for Global Networks – Leaders: Tijs Creutzberg/Tara Vinodrai

1. What are the defining variables of our digital case studies? Opportunities for comparisons: sector, city size, geography, innovation networks, digital technology, institutions etc.
2. To what extent do, or how important are, global variables (e.g. dynamics, networks, global firms) in your case studies?
3. What are the main findings / argument / narrative arising from our case studies?
What is the most interesting /compelling finding or insight to date?
4. What main digital challenges and opportunities have you been able to identify?
5. What local institutions,if any, are showing to be important to shaping digital sector outcomes/ performance?

7.3 THEME THREE – Diffusion of IT Across the Economy
Leaders: Peter Philips/Peter Warrian

1. Given that the Theme 3 Diffusion of ICT across Economic Sectors needs to be contextualized in specific economic sectors, what are the main features/characteristics of the case you’re working on – i.e. agriculture, manufacturing, media ...?
2. What are the points of disruption and of opportunity emerging in these industries? Give a few examples.
3. What are the challenges and opportunities for SMEs independently or within supply chains?
4. What is unique / generalizable about the particular industry you’re working on?

7.4 THEME FOUR – Digital Inclusion and Intelligent Communities
Leaders: Neil Bradford/Allison Bramwell

1. How do we analytically capture the range of existing and emerging forms of the ‘digital divide’?
2. What is ‘inclusive innovation’? What are ‘intelligent communities’? Are definitions inherently context-specific or can we generalize? Are there overlaps between the two constructs?
3. What are the challenges and opportunities for each agenda in your area? Which aspects are most amenable to intervention?
4. What is the range of existing policies and programs that offer the prospect for expanding ‘inclusive innovation’ and ‘smart city’ practices to a greater number of people and places? What are the key drivers of policy &/or program innovation and at what scale do they operate?


12:00 – 13:00 Group Lunch – Concourse


Return to breakout rooms or join another group


15:30 – 16:00 WRAP UP

 Progress for CDO going into Year 6 and critical objectives going forward

 Next and Final CDO Conference – Please note in your calendar: Location: Toronto Dates: April 29-May 1, 2019

Meeting Adjourned – Enjoy Your Evening in Vancouver

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